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Wednesday 21 December 2022

The last good day of 2022

The long-range weather forecast is grim; rain and more rain, minimum temperature +2C. The snow will be washed away, washed into "beastly mud and oomska" with no respite on the horizon. Banks of clouds rolling in one after the other bearing rain, intermitting to drizzle. And leaden skies mean no solar rays to generate electricity.

But there was time to eke out the last of the sunshine and the last of the snow.

Below: between Adamów Rososki and Machin II, the snow still crisp underfoot as temperatures neared zero on their way up.

Below: traditionally fenced orchard, between Jakubowizna and Widok

The final farewell of the sun, glinting though the first wave of warm, wet-front cloud. Home in 800 paces.

Central Warsaw, soaked with rain. Neon reflecting off wet asphalt is preferable to the sad sight of wet snow sinking into muddy soil.

This time last year:
The Year of the Phenomenon

This time three years ago:
Sentimental stroll - streets of my childhood

This time four years agor
Streets of my childhood
[I did the same walk exactly a year earlier!]

This time five years ago:
Jeziorki - swans and bonus shots

This time eight years ago:
A conspiracy to celebrate

This time eight years ago:
The Mythos and the Logos in Russia

This time nine years ago:
Going mobile - I get my first smartofon

This time ten years ago:
The world was meant to end today 
[It may not have ended, but this was a tipping point in history.]

This time ten years ago:
First snow - but proper snow?

The time 12 years ago: 
Dense, wet, rush hour snow

This time 13 years ago:
Evening photography, Powiśle

This time 14 years ago:
The shortest day of the year

This time 15 years ago:
Bye bye borders - Poland joins Schengen

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