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Wednesday 15 March 2023

God, Aliens and the Unfolding Universe - Lent 2023: Day 22

These are just my half-baked thoughts on the subject. The vastness of our observable Universe - the sheer number of stars and exoplanets - and the relative youth of our industrial civilisation, lead me to believe that there are many advanced civilisation in our corner of the galaxy, and that some at least have visited us. Or that there are other dimensions of time and/or of space, from which aliens visit.

Science mocks such assertions (less so today than in the past); the consensus will state that we are alone on our planet.For many with an interest in the subject, it is clear that it's not something that can be brushed off or laughed at. The sheer volume of eyewitness accounts over the past 80 years, from all over the world, suggests that there's something going on, but we don't know what it is.

Individual cases, individual witnesses, can be debunked, ignored or derided. But when so many testimonies exist, it's hard to dismiss it all. [If you are interested, watching films on the Eyes on Cinema YouTube channel is required viewing. These span many years and many countries, and what grabs me is the consistency of the reports, the seriousness and credibility of the witness, who include police officers and pilots.]

Over the decades, saucer-shaped and cigar-shaped craft have given way to black triangles and glowing orbs; in the small percentage of cases where aliens are observed, they are either small grey beings with large heads or tall humanoids. 

Documents purportedly from the US government that have surfaced as a result of the Freedom of Information Act suggest retrieved alien craft and unsuccessful attempt to reengineer the technology, which seems to be guided by consciousness, with propulsion systems that our physics cannot fathom. And most worrying are the testimonies of those who claim to have been abducted by aliens and subject to invasive medical procedures.

I've never seen one, so I don't wish to speculate, but looking at well-documented cases going back decades - the ones that still bear up to scrutiny and haven't been rejected out of hand as hoaxes or misidentifications - it's clear that this phenomenon should be taken seriously.

Personally, I don't think that we as a society, as a species, are ready for the existential shock of learning that we are being visited, so I can understand why governments are not keen to let the cat out of the bag. Rather, I believe that we are being slowly - over generations - being acclimatised to the notion; in the words of Dark Skies creator and UFO podcast host Bryce Zabel, disclosure in the form of a slow dissolve rather than a jump-cut. No rush.

The ontological repercussions of knowing (not just speculating) that advanced beings from another world are here with us would be shocking to science, technology, business, society and religions.

If such beings exist - would they have a God? How much more Godlike would they be than us - not just in their ability to do things beyond our understanding of physics - but in how they see the Cosmos, its past and its future.

Earthly religions would cope in different ways - fundamentally, the split would go within faiths rather than between them. Anyone who believed in the literal word of their religion's holy book would have huge problems in dealing with this new reality. Those who saw their scriptures as a metaphor, something that needs interpreting and adapting to our modern reality might find it easier. Those who see religions in a metaphysical sense, seeing their highest common factors, will cope best.

I intend to delve further into this topic during this, the fourth week of Lent, in an attempt to define a Supreme Purpose in the Universe - one that would apply to all forms of sentience across the Cosmos.

More ufological spirituality tomorrow!

Lent 2022: Day 22
The Good Lord and the Environment

Lent 2021: Day 22
Muscle Memory, Mindfulness and Metaphysics

Lent 2020: Day 22
Repeatable Metaphysical Experiences

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