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Friday 30 June 2023

Widok connected to Chynów station. Progress!

Earlier this year, as winter thawed into early spring, I noticed a series of short wooden stakes, painted day-glo orange, banged into to the soil in a straight line parallel to the railway tracks. Good news! I assumed (correctly) that a geodeta (land surveyor) had marked out where a new footpath would be laid.

A footpath between the station and the village of Widok is sorely needed. Now - it is here, open to pedestrians and cyclists on Wednesday this week. At last, residents of Widok wanting to travel by train, no longer have to wade through 300m mud to get to the station - or to go the long and dangerous way (a 200m longer walk, along an unlit road with no pavement, speed limit 90 km/h) that is ulica Kolejowa on the other side of the tracks. So all the boxes are ticked.

It would be another three months, however, before any signs of work would begin. By late May, a construction crew had appeared; an excavator dug a long straight trench, filled with hardcore, flattened, lined on either side - and left in this state (below) for nearly four weeks. 

Below: Last week the crew returned and started filling the shallow trench with paving stones. In the distance, pallets of paving stones and a heap of soil - some work still needed at that other end.

And finally - here it is - the path to the station, a huge benefit to pedestrians and cyclists from Widok (and indeed southern end of Jakubowizna). Note the fence - this is necessary, as to the immediate left of the footpath, there's a steep slope ending in the trackside drainage ditch; a nasty fall that could happen on a wet night

I am delighted that at last this path exists; it is the final piece of the massive infrastructure project for Chynów that was the modernisation of its railway station. All joined up. Clean, modern, passenger-centric; I hope this encourages several local people to choose the train rather than the car for journeys into Warsaw (or Warka or Radom).

This time last year:
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First half of 2019 - health in numbers

This time five years ago:
Key Performance Indicators - health - first half 2018

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Three and half years of health and fitness data

This time seven years ago:
First half of 2016 health & fitness in numbers

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Down the line from York

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This time 11 years ago:
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