My new online project...

Wednesday 27 December 2023

Back out in the open

After 11 days without a walk, cooped up indoors (comfortably, I must say), it was time to put on my parka and my Ukrainian army boots and set off for a stroll. Eleven days without a walk, but only four days with zero exercise (I felt well enough to do push-ups, squats, weights etc after day five).

Below: my favourite landscape, down the end of the road and round the corner. No apologies for repeated postings of photographs taken of this local feature.

Below: the BP station in Nowe Grobice is no more; over Christmas it has been rebranded as Transoil. I guess a re-opening in the new year with a new franchisee. Wonder whether the grocery shop (open 24/7) will improve... This is just a 3,000 pace/30 minute walk from the działka, so I am hoping for a local retail upgrade.

[Update, 6 February 2024 - the re-branded Transoil station is still not open.]

Below: sunset is now seven minutes later than the year's earliest; here's Chynów railway station on Boxing Day.

Today's stroll - I take in a sunset through the trees in Jakubowizna, below. Just a pinprick of light through the pine trees. Click to enlarge.

And at the other end of the village - moonrise!

Below: moon rising above the orchard at the end of my garden.

There is Certainty; there is Doubt. But there is also ennui, Weltschmertz, and gnuśność. Doubt I can cope with; but a virus-induced lack of get-up-and-go needs dealing with. 

"Jesus saith unto him, Arise, and take up thy bed, and walk. 9 And immediately the man took up his bed, and walked." 

This time two years ago:
Wintery gorgeousness and filthy air

This time three years ago:
Jakubowizna - moonrise kingdom

This time six years ago:

This time nine years ago:
Derbyshire in the snow

This time ten years ago:
Is Britain over-golfed?

This time 12 years:
Everybody's out on the road today

This time 13 years ago:
50% off and nothing to pay till June 2016

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