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Thursday 28 December 2023

New bridge over the Czarna river

Not much new has appeared infrastructure-wise this year around Chynów; some fresh asphalt appeared around Dąbrowa Duża and Machcin, and there's a footpath between Chynów station and the village of Widok. The biggest project of 2023 around the gmina was the replacement of the road bridge over the Czarna river between Sułkowice and Ławki, south of Gabryelin. For much of the spring and summer, detours were in place, causing much local inconvenience. Although the new bridge was open to traffic earlier this autumn, something I could see from the train, today marked my first visit there on foot to record it.

here it is, with the railway line beyond (between Sułkowice and Czachówek Południowy). Note the steps down to the the river level.

Below: from the river bank. Note the coppiced willow on the other side, so characteristic of Mazovia.

Below: looking south from the bridge towards Sułkowice station (just about visible in the far distance). The river level is high; will it freeze solid this winter? Traipsing out over the ice opens new perspectives, but it must be done with care - a deep frost for a week usually is sufficient. I would very much like to explore the wetlands on the other side of the railway line - but only if the ice is thick enough.

Looking at the bridge from the north as a tractor passes over it - local farm traffic, what this bridge was intended for.

Below: coming off the bridge, heading east towards the road to Sułkowice. New asphalt, at least on this side of the river. I suspect the roadworks across on the other side will mean some time next spring some more connectivity for local traffic, which at the moment is condemned to dirt tracks.

Left: ulica Południowa (lit. 'South Street'), though this is not (yet) actually Ławki, which begins across the river at a point where the borders of three gminy (municipalities) touch - Chynów, Góra Kalwaria and Prażmów. 

Ławki literally means 'little benches'. More about this area, and the old bridge, from February, here.

It's small-scale infrastructure projects such as this, which year after year after year improve the quality of rural life across Poland, connecting communities, making life easier. The alternative - decay and resignation, Russian style.

This time last year:
The Long Review of 2022 - Pt. III

This time two years ago:
The Person Who Contemplates Not.

This time five years ago:
2018 - a year in journeys

This time 11 years ago:
Wise words about motoring

This time 12 years ago:
Hurry up and wait with WizzAir at Luton

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree. These tens of thousands of small infrastructure improvements made a tremendous difference to the quality of life since 1991 when I moved. Not only does it make life easier, it raises the spirits, reminding everyone that the country is moving away from shoddy communist era standards.
