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Friday 1 December 2023

The familiar looking unfamiliar

After an abnormally warm September and October, temperatures plunged in mid-November and have stayed below zero into December and look set to stay that way. Minus six Celsius overnight, yesterday evening's fog has frozen solid to every twig, every leaf, every wire. 

Fog + freezing temperatures = hoar frost or rime ice.

I was planning to work at the office, but my train to town was cancelled. The next one being due an hour and ten minutes later, I decided to return home from the station and work from there. But first a short walk to capture the beauty of fog frozen on to every surface. This is hoar frost, or rime ice, and visually is at its best against a cloudless blue sky, illuminated by strong sunlight, the sun low in the wintery sky. But not now - there's been no sun for a couple of weeks.

Below: my favourite local view, wire fences covered in hoar frost. Very Ravilious

Below: from the top of the hill, looking back towards Chynów. The wan sun attempts to penetrate the snow-laden clouds.

Below: close up of rime ice on the wire fence at the far end of ulica Miodowa. So spiky yet so fragile.

Time for a second walk as evening approaches, this time going the other way, away from the tracks, towards the forest.

Below: between the near orchards and the near wood.

Below: the familiar, unfamiliar. Under sunlight, moonlight - and now, frost.

Below: row of medium-tension power lines cut through the forest between Dąbrowa Duża and Rososz

Below: back at my house, "shining hard and bright, across that dark highway/where our sins lie, unatoned"

And inside time for large bowl of soupy stew - kapusta kiszona (sauerkraut), potatoes, leek, cherry tomato, field corn, onion and chorizo in a Marmite stock (below). I make enough for three days.

The Jakubowizna answer to hygge. Updated Sunday 3 December - I wake up to this:

This time two years ago:
Reversing polarity
(Does it matter which way we are aligned when we sleep)

This time three years ago:
Solar-powered house

This time four years ago:
Jeziorki's ponds are drying up

This time seven years ago:
Jeziorki - second track, second platform

This time eight years ago:
Pitshanger Lane wins London's High Street of the Year award

This time ten years ago:
Trouble ahead in Ukraine.

This time 13 years ago:
Jeziorki, dawn, winter

This time 16 years ago:
Tuwim's Lokomotywa in English

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