My new online project...

Monday 27 May 2024

"Fill the edges of your bed with pebbles"

Blessed with good sleep, I have learned within the last few years to tell when I am just about to nod off. As neural oscillations slow down, my thoughts become hazy and confused; I feel the urge to cough, or to swallow, or scratch myself, this snaps me briefly back to waking state, but then, very soon after that – I'm asleep. I'll typically wake once or twice a night, and usually (if I don't drink a late coffee) I'd fall asleep in much the same manner.

This transition state between wakefulness and sleep is fascinating, as reality distorts during the process. I try to monitor it, knowing that I give it too much thought, it will stop me from drifting off. I have to let the distinction between thought and consciousness blur, naturally, observing it in stealthy manner.

As I close my eyes, the backs of my eyelids become like a giant, full-width cinema screen upon which I can imagine pictures. While in the wakeful state, I am thinking those images onto the screen. But as I start drifting off into the sleep state, the images begin to generate themselves. 

Lying in bed last night, I was pondering over what Moni and I had discussed on Skype, namely the Buddhist koan – a question asked by the Zen master of the student, designed to provoke an insight. I feel myself starting to fall asleep... 

With my eyelids shut, I could make out on that inner cinema screen the image of a Native American face, perhaps Inuit (certainly Arctic and not Plains Indian). Spontaneously generated.

And so I fell asleep, and I heard the word Ch'qarpa. What does this mean? And later, as my dream developed, I also heard the word Ch'waukwe. Meanwhile I am dreaming of myself, asleep. My bed is outdoors, in a field; and around the mattress are pebbles, dozens of them, river-washed, smooth, shiny, and multicoloured. Flecked or striped, in many different natural colours – ochres, aquamarines, terracottas and burnt umbers. 

"Fill the edges of your bed with pebbles of many colours," thought unto me the Native American (there was no spoken word this time, this was a telepathic message). 

This was so fascinating I decided to hold on tight to my dream. Despite its onset being as my sleep began, I would wake, think about it, drift back to sleep thinking about it, then dreaming the dream on, for much of the night.

My bed indeed with its deep wooden frame that surrounds the mattress can thus be decorated. But the dream suggested that the pebbles were more than mere decorations; for placed in such a manner, they had supernatural properties. I learned no more; the dream moved on. 

Is there anything in this? Parsing it with Occam's Razor, it's either a fantasy that's been literally dreamed up, or its a message from the metaphysical realm. Or perhaps – maybe a bit of both... Is it a sign from Hashem, that I, Dembinski, should fill the edges of my bed with pebbles? 

Couldn't hurt.

[Follow-up from later the same day: I walk to Sułkowice, turn into ulica Dolna and head down to the Czarna river with the intention of finding pebbles. The Czarna was as opaque as its name suggests, a slow-moving dark ribbon with a muddy bottom. Seeking pebbles, I find none.]

This time last year:
De-growth: A personal manifesto, Pt II

This time last year:
Old signs in Wrocław and Gliwice

This time two years ago:
Are aliens good or bad?

This time three years ago:
Thoughts - trains set in motion

This time five years ago:
Great crested grebes and swans hatch

This time seven years ago:
Jeziorki birds in the late May sunshine

This time eight years ago:
Making sense of Andrzej Duda's win

This time 12 years ago:
A walk down ul. Gogolińska

This time 16 years ago:
Twilight in the garden

This time 17 years ago:
Late-May reflections


  1. Hypnagogia & Sleep technique used by Salvador Dalí

    "Hypnagogia is the transitional state from wakefulness to sleep, also defined as the waning state of consciousness during the onset of sleep."

    "To get the creativity boost, you essentially need to wake up just as a certain sleep stage sets in, where reality seems to blend into fantasy.
    To use the technique, visionaries such as Dalí and Edison would hold an object, such as a spoon or a ball, while falling asleep in a chair. As they drifted off, the object would fall, make a noise and wake them up. Having spent a few moments on the brink of unconsciousness, they would be ready to start their work."

    The Heraldic sign of a stork holding a ball in its claw is a symbol of vigilance (as is a Dragon Volant)

    Maybe the pebbles are there to to wake you from the hypnagogic state.

    Marek :D

  2. @ Marek

    Hypnagogia - excellent. (I'm surprised there isn't a link to this from the Wikipedia pages about neural oscillations)

  3. I don’t know sleep without the radio on by my bedside all night (40+ years now), and I don’t buy into this mantra of a minimum of an X (8 is it?) hours of sleep. I’m in bed for 5 hr and sleep a total of 4. If I wake up after 6am, I feel irritable. When I wake up at night, the shipping forecast may be on, or the world needs my opinion on solving a crisis, which I freely give, and drift off again. One night last week, I was awake when Nick Abbot on LBC was summing up a bunch of listener’s calls and closed with, “Conservatives and Labour are two cheeks of the same backside.” I got up to write it down. If I had known such a line a quarter of a century ago and gone round saying it within earshot of the right people, my career trajectory might have looked different.

  4. @ Jacek Koba

    Four hours of sleep a night! Margaret Thatcher could famously do it, but ended up with dementia... Nothing like the BBC Radio shipping forecast to induce sleep... "Humber, Thames. Southeast veering southwest 4 or 5, occasionally 6 later. Thundery showers. Moderate or good, occasionally poor. Tyne, Dogger. Northeast 3 or 4. Occasional rain. Moderate or poor. Rockall, Malin, Hebrides. Southwest gale 8 to storm 10, veering west, severe gale 9 to violent storm 11. Rain, then squally showers. Poor, becoming moderate."

    Anyone still awake?
