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Tuesday 6 August 2024

Interrogating one's intuition

Intuition is defined as the "ability to acquire knowledge, without recourse to conscious reasoning". A sense of inner cognition; a sudden prompt that pops up in your stream of consciousness. The answer to a question that doesn't require the thought process or rationality. A brilliant flash you somehow know to be utterly true.

It's there; it is there. If you listen out for it, you will hear it. If you acknowledge its presence, it will be there for you. Ignore it not; heed your intuition, for it is a most valuable tool. Be mindful of its existence, of its usefulness as a guide in your day-to-day activities. It will support you, advise you, prompt you, comfort you, warn you. It will confirm a decision, or maybe suggest another option.

But is it necessarily right? Both in the sense of correct, and in the sense of morally right?

I have become attuned to being aware of intuition. Recognising the moment. And in this, a metaphysical moment – the touch of Big C Consciousness upon our small c consciousness. Here, I'd argue is the back-channel of prayer; it is the Cosmic Purpose in alignment with our own here-today-here-tomorrow human purpose.

Parsing the intuitive moment, to sieve the wishful thinking from the genuine intuition takes skill too. And here we get to today's point. When you recognise that you've had an intuition, examine it carefully – does it feel right? Will it help? Has it put your mind at rest? Usually, it just feels right. Sometimes, rarely, two seemingly conflicting intuitions will arrive simultaneously. Which one is correct? Or is this just an invitation to dig deeper and engage some rational thought? 

Don't demand – don't expect – an immediate answer. As my brother commented cryptically on the post before last, "the obligation runs the other way" (a quote from the Goy's Teeth scene in the Coen brothers' A Serious Man). Indeed. 

{{ Don't sweat the small stuff. }}

Wow! That just popped in, this very second. Yup – makes sense; too much time wasted on the inconsequential. Focus on the bigger picture, step up to the meta level. 

This time last year:
Notes to a future me

This time two years ago
The End of Times

This time three years ago:
Going round in circles

This time four years ago:
Between wakefulness and sleep 

This time seven years ago:

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