Time to take a stroll around the shire. The day is so beautiful that I find it in me to forgive Dame Nature for soaking us for the best part of the week. The effects are to be seen - flooded fields between Jeziorki and Dawidy Bankowe, between Zamienie and Zgorzała, numerous large puddles.
Above: A solitary sunflower stands on a field between Zgorzała and Jeziorki.
Below: an untended field between ul. Gogolińska and the railway tracks. I am grabbed by the white fluffy clouds making their way unhurriedly across an azure sky, and the yellowness of the vegetation at this time of year.

I get home to find that the moles have made an unwelcome return after an absense of almost a year. Five brand new molehills have appeared overnight. Nothing for it but to remove the soil from the molehills, find the moleholes with my fingers, mark with metal rods topped with glass bottles, and drink copious amounts of beer and mineral water...
And another thing... this weekend (and for the next two as well) Okęcie airport is shut for most air traffic as the runway surface where the two runways (15-33 and 11-29) intersect. The only planes that can land are small turboprops, business jets, or ones with short-runway capability such as the BAe/Avro RJ family of jets. These planes, which can land in less than a half of the runways' total length, are using the airport as usual. The rest is landing and taking off from Łódź. Special rail services have been laid on to connect it to the capital.
It makes me wonder how the moles designed their quarters so as to not drown in all the floods in Poland this last year.
@ Jeannie
A good question! Digging into the moleholes with my fingers I can feel that the tunnels are as near to the surface as they can be. Extremely shallow tunnels mean they can surface quickly if water starts pouring in. Bad news for the lawn. One new hill this morning.
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