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Tuesday 29 January 2013

Is this it? Is it all over?

I don't know. Well, last year it wasn't, nor two years ago. But for now, winter wonderland has disappeared as the temperature soars by 15C in less than 24 hours, to be replaced by damp clag, wet pavements and general awfulness. We have been here before - beauty may well return (see my favourite set of winter photos) before spring arrives, marked by dzień wagarowicza (Truants' Day, 21 March), and that miracle of life once again returns the sun to its rightful place in the heavens, and all the whole world is happy (well, the Northern Hemisphere anyway).

But before those glorious things come to pass, winter makes a gallant attempt to hang on in there, despite the rising temperatures. Below: ul. Marszałkowska, looking north towards Pl. Zbawiciela. It's around +2C; yet a sudden snowstorm still insists on making its presence felt.

Below: Looking west from Pl. Konstytucji along ul. Koszykowa. Giant snowflakes continue to tumble hard, cold and moist.

Night falls and the temperature continues to rise. It's now +3C. Below: Park Dreszera tram stop. Snow has turned to sleet, which is turning to rain. It is truly horrid. As today is the second day of ferie, the winter half-term holiday, there's noticeably fewer commuters. Those that are trudging home this evening are miserable, sopping wet in their snow-proof (rather than rain-proof) clothing.

A little digression. Although the bus stops and tram stops have been re-named Park Dreszera for some while, some of the older high-floor trams persist in giving the stop its old name - Ursynowska. This can be very confusing for someone not familiar with this part of Mokotów. Mr Leszek Ruta - please amend!

Below: two years ago, I wrongly foresaw the twilight of the Ikarus bus, stating that by last summer's football championships, these iconic clapped-out old-timers would be consigned to the scrapheap. Well, they're still here, rattly, draughty. It's a miserable evening. I believe it's raining all over the world.

I hope things will improve. This is indeed the darkest time of the year.

This time last year:
The other Jeziorki station

This time three years ago:
Launching the General's book

This time five years ago:
Taking off over Okęcie


  1. Heavy 'bloto' (mud) down here in Chylice. The melt has uncovered many molehills so the mole hunt will begin once again.

    Looking forward to either more winter or a thaw/dryout period. Wellies are getting good use in any event.

  2. Yes, weather is awful. It's hard to survive such rainy and still cold days. Slight frost is much better. It's amazing that you are enough patient to make photos with your reflex camera on such ugly (and wet) days. Thanks for them.
