Not the martial one, but the natural one, the one that happens every year; the victory of
Warmth over
Cold, of
Light over
Dark, of
Fecundity over
Barrenness. Drawn once again to the banks of the Vistula at this joyous time of holiday, I can revel in how life has returned in abundance so swiftly, as it does each year at the end of a lengthy winter, something not so immediately in England. One appreciates these things only after their long absence.
Leaves on trees just seem to appear; they explode into being. One week the trees are bare, the next one can discern the buds bursting forth; and then the week after that the greenery is fully in place. A miracle indeed, and one for which we should be thankful for, each and every year.

Worth bearing in mind that the above photos were taken
in Warsaw, not several kilometres downstream of the capital. This spot is in Zawady, in the district of Wilanów. Across the river on the other side, the district of Wawer.
Left: St. Anne's church in Wilanów (built in 1772); inside Mass is in full swing; outside Wilanów's cafes and restaurants are packed, crowds jostle along the pavements and cobbled street.
So many people out today, revelling in the glorious spring weather and the day off work; so many cyclists, strollers, roller-bladers, enjoying the warmth of the sun, wearing t-shirts rather than multiple layers of padded coats and woollen sweaters.
This time last year:
Collapsing old footbridge, PyryThis time two years ago:
Four-engined aircraft at 30,000 ft
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