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Saturday 24 October 2020

Fulfilment in the autumn sun

The last day before the clocks change. Another 13,600 Poles catch Covid, including 'not my' President Duda. A grey dawn, but around midday, the promise of a sunny afternoon becomes ever more real. Time to get going - two walks around the neighbourhood today.

Below: 100m from the level crossing, looking up towards my part of Jakubowizna. Autumn colours becoming increasingly vivid; the last of apple-picking still in full swing. In the orchards, out of sight, hidden by rows of trees, you hear the sounds of apple-harvest time. Apples being dropped into large rubber buckets; radios playing some melody; a tractor engine idling.

My morning walk down to Widok was to buy lunch essentials; after a solid meal, time for the late-afternoon stroll to catch the sunset. But first... Below: ulica Wspólna, still in Jakubowizna. Or Taos, New Mexico. Or Galatea, Ohio.

Below: further on up the road - ul. Słoneczna, another slice of small-town Americana, located in southern Mazowsze.

But here on ul. Miodowa (below), I'm getting a different vibe; northern France, the chemins vicinaux around the Stella-Plage of my childhood holidays.

Below: pantograph at sunset, between Sułkowice and Chynów. Southbound trains are still using the 'up' platform while last-minute work is done on the 'down' tracks at Chynów station.

Below: a completely cloud-free sunset over Drwalew, the water-tower at the Biowet animal-vaccine plant to the right.

Dusk view looking towards Chynów station. Still lots of unfinished trackside work relating to drainage on both sides of the road. Diggers and construction teams working all day on this.

Bonus photo, below: Basia the goat, Widok. She's milked twice a day, says her owner, though each milking yields no more than a cupful. An intelligent and obedient goat, Basia seems happy to see visitors. Plenty of chickens around, too.

This time last year:

This time three years ago:
Nudge vs. nakaz

This time four years ago:
Scenes from West Ealing and Hanwell

This time five years ago:
Four years of PiS

This time ten years ago:
High Victorian Manchester 

This time 11 years ago:
The clocks go back - but when should they go forward?

This time 12 years ago:
Warsaw's first Metro line is completed

1 comment:

  1. Certainly not my pRezydent either. His own words...........
