So it's gratifying to know that the road's not just closed for the sake of closing the road. Things are happening. I sneaked past on my bike for a closer look. Below: This to me looks like the welding of the metal frames for the pillars that one day soon will hold the ul. Poloneza viaduct aloft.I can see the situation in two years time: Poloneza is reopened, as a properly tarmacked road, and half of Magdalenka and Lesznowola is going to be stuck here in a massive traffic jam. Unless Puławska Bis and/or Hołubcowa Bis will be built by then - which I doubt!
Bad news - I've just read on Skyscraper City that the Polish Highways and Motorways Authorities (GDDKiA) has just declared the tender for the stretch of road between Węzeł Lotnisko and Konotopa (the eastern end of the A2 motorway) invalid. So we may end up with the POW being an expressway linking Puławska and Ochota.
Even worse - all those traveling the autobahn from Berlin all cities along the road towards Warsaw WILL END THEIR JOURNEY on Puławska, trying to get somehow further on.
Imagine how the traffic grows on Puławska and neighbouring streets then.
I've skipped Puławska altogether. Walk, cycle, Koleje Mazowieckie - anything but to waste a single second bottled up on that ghastly road to nowhere.
It will only get worse and worse.
Work out your alternatives while there's time!
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