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Friday 18 March 2022

Defining God - Lent 2022: Day 17

I define God as Purpose, God as Prime Reason; God as Complete Awareness; God the Destination of an Unfolding Universe. 

God as an omnipotent male anthropomorphic deity with long white beard - no. Any God that is Universal cannot take on the attributes of a species of modestly intelligent beings on a planet that is one of billions that can host sentient life in our galaxy - which is one of 200 billion in the observable universe. And how many galaxies exist beyond that - and indeed, how many universes exist - we just don't know and can merely guess.

Is a God necessary for anything to exist rather than nothing? I'd argue that yes. We are here, after all - and conscious of it - there must be a reason, it cannot just be random.

The word 'God' as I use it is merely a shorthand term standing for 'the prime metaphysical driving force' - I could go on an on. 'God' (pronoun: 'God'/'God's', capitalised as a proper noun) does the job for me.

Some nuance then. God didn't create the Universe - God is the creation of the Universe; God is its unfolding, and God is its ultimate destination.

Now - a few short words about my personal belief in God.

I exist, not because I want to exist - I exist because I do

In the same way I believe in God not because I want to believe in God - I believe in God because I do.

I believe in God, but I have a long way before I understand even a fraction of what God is. I merely intuit that God is.

It is difficult to express the beliefs that at the core of my being, beliefs that are intrinsic to my essence. I would not foist my belief onto anyone else who does not feel the same way; everyone who seeks God will feel God within, somehow, and will journey along their own path of discovery.

This time last year:
On being perceptive

This time two years ago:
Repeatable mystical experiences

This time five years ago:
Jeziorki's temporary level crossing almost complete

This time seven years ago:
Swans, dusk, Jeziorki

This time eight years ago:
Joe Biden in Warsaw for talks after Crimea invasion

This time ten years ago:
Motive power for the coal and oil trains that pass Jeziorki

This time 14  years ago:
Sleet, snow, no sign of spring


  1. @ John Presland

    An excellent question, I shall answer in a separate post!
