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Monday 6 February 2023

The future of the working day

Having gone to bed early last night, I wake up early, eat a quick breakfast and get down to work, starting at 7am. By midday, I've broken the back of what needs doing. The sun is out, there's a light frost, so a good long walk is called for. Make and eat a sandwich and go. A two-and-half hour walk is planned.

Below: typical landscape around Chynów - orchards, forests and fields. The snow is not too deep, so walking is not hampered. 

Below: the level crossing between Chynów and Węszelówka, as the Olsztyn-bound Sienkiewicz express rushes through on its way from Kraków.

Below: at the edge of forest that lies between Węszelówka and Widok, looking at some farm houses in Węszelówka.

Below: approaching the crossroads between Gaj Żelechowski (to the right), Widok (to the left), Dąbrowa Duża and Machcin II ahead. Note the large wayside chapel.

Below: tyre tracks in the snow by the geodetic control-point network POLREF 2702 in a field between Machcin II and Jakubowizna...

Left: here it is, a couple of pairs of footprints, the dark-red plate with a metal boss in the centre has been cleared of snow that was covering it when I last photographed it on 22 January.

Below: track through the forest towards Jakubowizna. Plenty of animal tracks - deer and hare mostly - imprinted in the snow.

Below: it's only quarter past two, but look how low the sun is in the sky... Sun sets now just after half-past four. Plenty of animal tracks here too. Note the gap in the treeline on the horizon - that's the way home.

Back home at half past two; check if there's any more work come in (no); make lunch, exercise, a little work that needs attention - and that's it. Having been out for a long walk, the day has been a success. Exposure to two hours of sunshine at this time of year has huge health benefits, physical and mental, a massive tonic.

I cannot see myself ever returning to a nine-to-five office routine. But then I cannot see myself retiring any time soon.

This time last year:
Twenty years in Jeziorki

This time three years ago:

This time five years ago: 

This time six years ago:
15 years under one roof

This time eight years ago:
Białystok: Ipswich of the East 

This time nine years ago:
Sadness at the death of Tadeusz Mosz 

This time ten years ago:
Interpreting vs. translating vs. explaining

This time 11 years ago:
More than just an Iluzjon 

This time 12 years ago:
Oldschool photochallenge

This time 13 years ago:
Warsaw's wonderful nooks and crannies

This time 15 years ago:
Viaduct to the airport at ul. Poleczki almost ready

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