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Saturday 4 February 2023

Town and country in the snow

At last, after a couple of weeks with ambiguous weather, finally winter returns with snow and frost - and the prospect of more to come. The next week will not see temperatures rise above freezing. In central Warsaw, the urban heat-island effect means the difference between frost and meltwater. Salt applied liberally to the roadways makes its way onto the pavements. However, as the week's rush subsides on Friday evening, the snow gently falling, the visual effect is aesthetically pleasing.

Below: looking north along ulica Krucza, towards the junction with ul. Żurawia. The Socialist-Realist building on the right is typically of the state administrative buildings - ministries - built soon after the Soviet takeover of power in Poland.

Below: looking north along Aleje Ujazdowskie towards Plac Trzech Krzyży. Note the tree nestled between the historic buildings. 

Below: looking west along ul. Hoża, a Stalin-era ministry to the right, Tsarist-era tenements to the left.

Below: looking alongside the Most Poniatowski bridge towards the Vistula; its escarpment is behind me. My favourite bridge.

Down among the trees, the bridge is visible in the distance. Powiśle, between the scarp and the river, has significant parkland. I catch the Kamienna Koleje Mazowieckie limited-stop train back to Chynów, which takes a mere 42 minutes from W-wa Śródmieście.

Back in Jakubowizna after a decently frosty night, a bright morning - the snowfall hasn't been too heavy over night, and its powdery rather than wet and heavy - so walking to the shops isn't a chore (indeed I walk the long way out and the long way back to maximise exposure to sunlight).

After lunch, a second stroll, this time the other way, into the forest.

Below: heading back home, note the approaching cloudbank on the horizon. It looks like a range of distant hills (I wish it were! Would be lovely to explore them on foot...). More snow is on its way.

Today's walking: 14,500 paces (see below!) 

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