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Saturday 18 November 2023

Mid-autumn snow

One for the record-book, it seems. The earliest snows in Warsaw since I started this blog in 2007 were on 14 October 2008 and 28 October 2012. But gosh, this feels weird! Below: my breakfast view this morning. Inside: 19.1C, outside: 1.0C.

We're still in mid-November and there's been a heavy snowfall... Although the temperature hasn't dipped below zero, the volume of snow, which was falling all night and all day today, has ensured that a fair amount has actually settled. Not on roads or pavements however, but everywhere else. And this is why it feels so weird - there are still plenty of trees in leaf - and a fair number of those leaves are still green! After a walk to the shops in Chynów and back and a light lunch, I set off for another stroll through orchards and forests to take in this most unusual landscape - autumn in the snow.

Below: the trees aren't bare yet - indeed, some leaves haven't yet had time to turn brown.

Below: canonical in the early snow, where orchard yields to forest beyond Jakubowizna.

Below: between Jakubowizna and Adamów Rososki. The usual snowscape monochrome broken up with the russet of autumn foliage.

Below: a view of farms in Gaj Żelechowski from the Machcin II to Jakubowizna footpath. Corduroy fields - snow settled only on the furrow tops.

Below: a Warsaw-bound Koleje Mazowieckie train approaching Chynów station. Where it stood, and it stood and it stood. I got all the way home and didn't hear the level crossing barriers or the train whistle... I checked Portal Pasażera. Train delays of up to 100 minutes were showing on the Radom line. Apparently some issue nearer town. Cleared up by the evening.

The next days will see temperatures oscillating between +7C and -7C. Messy. Time to change to my sturdy, warm, waterproof Ukrainian army boots.

This time last year:
The Algorithm of Fate

This time two years ago:
Non-local consciousness - science and spirituality

This time three years ago:
Fenced in at last

This time six years ago:
Poznań's Old Market

This time seven years ago:
Brexit, Trump and negative emotions

This time 12 years ago:
Premier Tusk's second exposé

This time 13 years ago:
Into Poland's former Heart of Darkness

This time 14 years ago:
Commuter schadenfreude

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