A gorgeous morning today - what a pity the weather didn't hold. I walk to my first meeting of the day at Platan Park. The overnight temperature fell below zero, floodwaters have frozen,
and for the first time in weeks - there's a clear blue sky over Warsaw. Over Jeziorki I see a marsh harrier (
błotniak stawowy) and several pheasants fly across my path.

On way walk to work (nearly 6km) I traverse the entire length of ul. Poloneza (
below). The road is so bad there's zero traffic, so birdsong is very noticeable. The birds are getting ready for spring, there's a wonderful feeling of hope and renewal in the air. Unfortunately, so engrossed am I in all this (and the occasional SMS) that twice I step onto a patch of thin ice and go ankle deep into freezing mud. I arrive at my meeting with wet socks - a small price to pay for communing with nature's beauty rather than sitting frustrated in a traffic jam.
Below: Just as the architect had envisaged it - for the record, the newly-opened Juventus call centre on Poloneza 91, down the road a bit from Platan Park. The building looks perfect in the strong morning sunlight (and no polarising filter on this pic!)

The day was quite beautiful, until the afternoon, anyhow, cloud came in and gloom returned.
Note use of the word 'quite' in this context. Całkiem or całkowicie?
This time last year:
Polish TV pharmaceutical advertising
Ah, so THAT'S where Ochrona Juventus trains. I had wondered where their team headquarters were. Someone should tell Paddy at Pozdrowienia z Ursynowa.
In my humble opinion: całkiem. :)
Definitely "całkiem" :)
Quite - in this context - całkowicie (totalnie) rather than całkiem (dosyć).
I feel I may need to explain in another post...
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