A few snapshots from my walk to Nowa Iwiczna and back. Above: Passing trains between Nowa Iwiczna and W-wa Jeziorki. To the right a rake of empty coal wagons returning to the sidings at W-wa Okęcie, hauled by diesel loco SM42 526. To the left, the Białystok to Kraków express, hauled by electric loco EU07 531. This shot shows nicely the non-electrified single track to Siekierki power station that runs parallel to the main Warsaw-Radom-Kielce-Kraków line between W-wa Okęcie and Nowa Iwiczna, where it swings off to the east.

Returning home, I took in what was left of the rampa na kruszywa. As I was ascending the incline, I spotted something in the sky. At first, I thought it was a kite, but the string was not attached to the ground. It drifted down. I came down from the ramp to see what it was. A helium balloon in the shape of a mobile phone.

The ramp will no doubt soon be gone. All the signs seem to point to a huge housing development. As I wandered around, another photographer (
below left) came up the embankment, pushing a mountain bike. His intention is to get some pics up on Google Earth - so take a peek there in six weeks time! Look for the
rampa here: 52° 6'23.59"N, 20°59'48.12"E

Down from the ramp, in the fields en route to ul. Karczunkowska, I heard this
skylark (
below) proclaiming his fitness in the pure spring sky. This individual could sing; the entire sky (when not filled with the sound of aircraft coming in to land at Okęcie airport) resonated with his call. I only wish I had a longer lens like an 80-400mm zoom to bring him in closer.
As always, great photos - it's a shame the rampa and the rails will soon be gone! The Roswell comment made me giggle. The truth is out there! :-)
A few years ago I told Eddie as we strolled around here: "Many years from now, you'll show your grandchildren the decaying Rampa shopping mall and you'll explain that it's so called because once upon a time there was an aggregates unloading ramp here. And they won't believe you!"
Generalnie blog jest dobry. Fajnie że ktoś takie rzeczy zauważą i dokumentuje. A co do tego balonika, spytam tak z ciekawości - nie zauważył Pan może czegoś dziwnego w tej okolicy? Pamiętam że jakieś 4-8 lat temu, patrząc od strony Pyr, parę razy widziałem w nocy dziwne światła na zachodnim niebie. Nie wiem co to było ale nie wyglądało jak samolot.
Prawda jest gdziez tam! (The truth is out there!) Widzem wiele swiatel w nocnym niebie nad Jeziorkami, ale jestem 100% pewien, ze to samoloty badz gwiazdy. Badz satelity. Natomiast, 'I want to believe!'
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