The sidings at Konstancin-Jeziorna (
above) where the coal trains swap engines before running on to the power station at Siekierki. [You can find the sidings on Google Earth at 52° 5'46.06"N, 21° 6'33.53"E.] This (
below) is the kind of thing I mean... A TEM2 diesel loco in Siekierki livery and a PKP SM48 diesel loco; one's brought the train down from Okęcie sidings, the other will take up to Siekierki. But wait - what's that behind the TEM2?
Below: This is the new face of the coal line to Siekierki. Privately-operated, modern, more fuel efficient, this is a Newag-built 311D class diesel loco operated by PCC Rail. These locos are re-engineered Soviet M62 Gagars with new engines and electronics.

Another sign of the times is the diversity of coal wagons used by PCC Rail. They come from across the CEE region - (
below) here's a selection from different operators in Slovakia, Hungary, Germany and the Czech Republic. And several from across Poland. All privately-owned.
This time last year (3-6 April):
Coal train sidings at Okęcie (timely link, this)
Google Earth image of Jeziorki from 2002
Aerial photo of Jeziorki in winter
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