But there was another story, little known, that appears in the book, concerning the fate of the granddaughter of Leopold Kronenberg, a famous Polish banker. She was executed by the Home Army during the Warsaw Uprising. A medical orderly, she was helping to move a stretcher case, when someone looking through the contents of her handbag found a Gestapo identity card. She was shot by Polish soldiers. It now transpires that she had been working for British military intelligence at the time. During the Q&A session with the authors, an AK veteran stood up to say that he was in the counter-intelligence unit that executed her, and that until this very moment he had been unaware of the fact that she had been a double agent.
Many of the audience today were AK veterans, like my father, in their 80s or even older. Only a handful were on walking sticks. The majority looked well and younger than their years.
The book is available online via Askon publishers (www.askon.waw.pl). Next Askon book launch will be on 29 January in the Royal Castle in Warsaw - Silent and Unseen. E-mail me if you want to come - places are limited and in great demand, everyone wants to meet the author, 96 year-old legend General Stefan Bałuk, commando, writer, photographer, forger and get a signed copy of his book!
"Many of the audience today were AK veterans, like my father, in their 80s or even older. Only a handful were on walking sticks. The majority looked well and younger than their years."
With regard to the last sentence and to paraphrase Ms. Gloria Swanson: That's what 80s and older looks like.
Good story. Good writing. Keep it up.
I missed this post at the time. The book sounds very interesting. I wonder if it will be published in English.
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