As I did at the end of 2008, I shall leave the last post of the year to my neighbour, Grażyna, who snapped these pics of Jeziorki.
Above: January. Ducks on the icy pond, ul. Pozytywki.
Above: February, winter in Jeziorki, as it should be; still, snowy, heavy wet snow on the trees.
Above: early spring, Jeziorki, misty sunrise.
Above: still summer. The pond on ul. Sztajerki, mid-September. Within two and half years, the S2 Warsaw Southern Bypass will be running to the north of this quiet spot.

Less than a month later: this year, the first snow came early, 14 October 2009.
Above: ul. Trombity in the snow; vines and tyre tracks.
Above: flowers in the October snow.
Below: farewell to 2009 - fireworks between ul. Karczunkowska and ul. Trombity.
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