Today's sharp frost did not put me off a planned walk from ul. Sasanki alongside the path of the new S79 expressway currently under constructions. I caught a town-bound train from W-wa Jeziorki and rode three stops to W-wa Służewiec. Over the viaduct, to the top of ul. Wirażowa.
Below: No work going on at the Sasanki end.

No entry to pedestrians! While I can understand this from the point of view of the general contractor worried about accidents and liability, it is a bit of an imposition on locals on foot to be barred from getting from A to B in their own neighbourhood.
Below: The railway line that runs between
działki (allotments) from PKP W-wa Okęcie to the airport, allowing trains to bring tanker wagons of aviation fuel to the airport. The track curves round to the left. Fresh tracks through the snow suggest a recent delivery.
Below: ul. Wirażowa from the trackside, approaching W-wa Okęcie station from the north. No roadworks going on here either. Very quiet.

Whilst Wirażowa is closed, the station remains open. It is well-used by airport workers. A wooden walkway has been built through the building site, linking the airport to the station.
Below: seven diggers arrayed alongside Wirażowa. The no entry and
Objazd (diversion) signs are where the road is closed.

And on to the Poleczki viaduct. Again, no sign of any work today. Below: view from the viaduct looking south; the S79 will run to the right of the railway tracks.
Below: Between Poleczki and Węzeł Lotnisko. This be ul. Wirażowa, extended south of the airport's cargo terminal, where it currently ends. The S79 dual carriageway will run to the left, where the mounds of soil are.

As I walked on, with the glaring sun, clear blue sky and -12C, it occurred to me why I persist in going on excursions on days like this. I am laying down memories for the future, like bottles of fine wine. This walk will return to my mind, unbidden,
a hundred years from today.
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