Pole Mokotowskie, just south-west of the city centre; in late summer, gorgeous sunshine, Varsovians are out and about making the most of it. Midges (
komary) not too worrisome this weekend. A place to hang out, sunbathe, stroll, or show off your on your rollerblades or fixed-wheel hipster bike (saw some cool ones yesterday!).
Just behind the spot from where this photo was taken stands a plaque commemorating the fact that Pole Mokotowskie were home to Warsaw's first airport, from 1910 to 1939 (more info on the Polish Wikipedia page
Below: spray from the battery of fountains keeps strollers cool; Warsaw's skyline rises above the park in the near distance; we are just two Metro stations away from the very centre of town. Once a regular morning walking spot for Polish reporter and writer,
Ryszard Kapuściński, the park now boasts a trail in his name, bearing numerous thought-provoking epigrams of his set in concrete in metal letters.
Below: located in the park is Poland's National Library, currently home to Kino Iluzjon, where classic films are show (rarely repeated). Yesterday, for example,
The Great Gatsby. In the foreground, a circle of standing stones - not here from neolithic times, but erected in 2000.

Of Warsaw's larger parks, it is less stuffy than Łazienki, more hip than Park Skaryszewski.
This time last year:
A Serious Man - interpreting uncertainty
This time two years ago:
'Funny old cars' - Poland, 1989
This time four years ago:
Another summer storm
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