Wednesday 4 September 2024

To ease the soul

Unexplainable moments of euphoria, followed by a bit of a downer – nothing to worry about, once you accept the cyclical nature of reality as we subjectively experience it. Take it easy! Mood is to personality as weather is to climate. Things change. The key is to understand that, and keep those worse days in check. They will pass.

In my youth I was rather taken with the pseudoscience of biorhythms; though debunked long ago, I remain of the opinion that we do undergo short-term and long-term waves of physical (and mental) ups and downs that are of internal, biological, origin. The biorhythm theory posited exact time periods of around one month (which kind of makes sense given the menstrual cycle), though tracking this back to birth is ridiculous. Yet biological cycles are there, for men as well as for women, it's just that  the frequency and amplitude of these, however, too subjective for science to concern itself with. A purely biological low ebb and high tide is something experienced by all; overlay that with psychological lows and highs and something definite clicks into place.

So we all have better days and worse days, we cycle through them. But taking this onto the metaphysical plane, have I an obligation to myself and to the Cosmos to be happy? Regardless of external factors that add or subtract to the sum of personal happiness, there's also the issue of satisfaction. Satisfaction from a job well done. Dissatisfaction from putting off a task until tomorrow. Has the biological container that hosts my soul have an obligation to the Cosmos to do more? 

Moni suggested that I suffer from 'productivity anxiety' and recommended me a YouTube video to watch. Productivity (which I mentioned recently here) is one issue, but the other is consistency, especially professional consistency. Good days and bad days at work. Sometimes I think to myself that professionally, I'm rocking it. Speaking at seminars or conferences, I take a theme and offer brilliant new insights that clearly impress the audience. At other times, however, I find myself mumbling inane cliches; I'm not taking the audience with me. I leave the stage disheartened. Again, the ups and downs, cyclical in nature – or rather spiral in nature, as one lives and learns, each low is still higher (in terms of lessons taken in) than the previous low last time round.

Reality is far more complex than the way it's portrayed both by physicalists (who claim that there's nothing more to reality than physical matter) and by organised religions with their overarching God that they'd place somewhere outside of reality. Subtleties are too nuanced to portray easily.

Often I'd ask on this blog – how much spirituality do I need? And now, having written those words, I feel back in the groove. Wu wei – effortless effort, no forcing, actionless action. If I'm having a downer, let it be, it will pass. Like a cloudy day, it makes one appreciative of sunshine. 

But hold on tight to the Cosmic Purpose and stay aligned with it. I feel the need to open up and channel, let my fingers pour out over the keyboard and forget the humdrum routine, the calls to do this and that; stay connected with the Ineffable. Stay in awe of the Infinite & Eternal, and stay grateful. Shun complacency, and rise. Spiritual evolution. 

Letting go and wandering off is not a good idea. There are many things one can let go of, one should let go of – but faith is not one of them.

This time last year:
Retrocausality and Goneself

This time two years ago:
Many Machcins

This time five years ago:
The Long Dark Half-Hour of the Consumerist Soul

This time six years ago:

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