Tuesday 8 October 2024

Last hot day of the year?

Some time after lunch, I noticed that it was hotter outside than indoors. I opened all the windows and the front door, and as soon as I could close the laptop, I was off for an autumnal walk to glory in the warmth. Dressed in a shirt with a light jacket, I was soon overheated, so the jacket was removed and stowed in the rucksack. Thermometer in my phone said 23°C. Every hour of heat stores in the walls and postpones the day when I have to start heating the house.

Below: gone 4pm and setting off; just across the road from my place – canonical Jakubowizna. Familiar landscapes for my soul.

Below: traditional wooden house along ulica Główna (Main Street), Chynów.

Below: junction of ul. Szkolna ('School Street') and ul. Sportowa ('Sporty Street'), Chynów.

Below: house at the edge of the forest, Chynów.

Below: from the footbridge over the DK50, the view looking northwest towards Wola Pieczyska. Note the way the setting sun lights up the electrical wires.

Below: for the first time this autumn, the sun is setting before six pm. It's setting over Lasopole; photo taken from the road bridge over the DK50 between Sułkowice and Chynów. 

This time six years ago:
Warszawa Zachodnia Peron 8 to reopen
[Note: the station has since been renamed W-wa Zachodnia Peron 9]

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