What could such a sign... mean?
On my walk this evening, another frosty night (-4.5°C) I was followed home by a kitten. My first thought was that it had escaped from one of the farms along the main road through Jakubowizna. So I walked the length of the road and then back again, pausing at each house, at each gate along the way to see whether the kitten would pop through the railings having found its way back home. But no – it would shortly reappear and chase along after me. We did this right to the station, and the past the last house it followed me along my lane, to my działka. The kitten, about five months old, is (according to Moni) a calico (tortoiseshell white)/tabby female. I took a mugshot of it and posted it on the Chynów community Facebook page, advertising a kitten found. Two people immediately reposted. I will go back to check whether any posters have appeared along the street in Jakubowizna – if no one responds, it looks like I will have been adopted by a cat.
Now, given that Moni's late cat was called 'Jowisz' (Jupiter), this one has to be named after a planet too, and given the propitious alignment of Saturn and Venus in the heavens, and that it's a female, the only name she can have is 'Wenus', diminutive 'Wenusia' or just simply – 'Nusia'. Below: her markings make for good camouflage at this time of year.
If an ad does appear for a lost kitten, Nusia shall be returned. (Having lost cats in Jeziorki, it's good when someone does respond to a 'gone missing' poster.) If not, it seems that fate has brought us together on a frosty winter's night when Venus, the Moon and Saturn were aligned.
This time last year:
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2023: A year in travel
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From West London to South Warsaw
This time nine years ago:
Anger and hate have no place in political discourse
This time 11 years ago:
Is Conservatism rural or urban in nature?
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Poland's roads get slightly less deadly
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This time 15 years:
Winter commuting in colour and black & white
This time 16 years ago:
Zamienie in winter
This time 17 years ago:
Really cold (-12C at night)
Get it spayed if it ends up staying with you-otherwise you may have lots of kittens !
Hmm... I feel a female cat is only fulfilled in motherhood (just the once!) https://jeziorki.blogspot.com/2013/05/kitten-time.html
Rescues are crammed with 1000s of cats so it is the responsible thing to do to prevent further homeless cats. It is not fulfilment in motherhood-cats are induced ovulators and cycle every 3 weeks so can have upto 4 litters a year just based on their biology.
I don't intend Wenusia to have more than one litter. As soon as she's recovered from giving birth, it will be straight round to the vets for sterilisation. Any male kittens will be castrated ASAP. Living in the country, over-catting is not the problem it is in the suburbs.
certainly in the UK-overproduction of kittens is a real issue on some farms. Generations of inbred cats are born(mother/son matings ,sister/brother matings) . Eventually the farm is offered help by a charity to trap the cats and neuter and treat them(they are frequently diseased at this point).
Snowy morning today, so on my walk I took note of cat-prints in the snow, where cats live and how far they range. I see the prints going out to 200-300m of the farmhouse; question is – how far away does the nearest unsprayed tom live? Certainly Jakubowizna isn't overpopulated with cats at present...
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