Sunday, 2 February 2025

Up and down with the weather part II

Not the weather I'd been given to expect from the forecast on my phone. Within minutes of my setting off on my walk, a dark cloud rolled in swiftly from the north-west, bringing with it an immense flurry of wet snow. The temperature was about +1°C, though windchill and damp made it feel much colder. Below: one of the XII Canonical Prospects of Jakubowizna & District in blizzard conditions.

Within minutes, however, the blizzard had blown itself out. By the time I'm through the woods, out on the other side by Machcin II, the cloud has scudded by, having relieved itself of mountains of snow.

It turns out quite nice again. Below: on the path that follows the border between Jakubowizna (on the right) and Gaj Żelechowski (on the left). Note the hazel catkins in full bloom (left), which they do in Poland from early February to early April.

By the time I get to ulica Kolejowa, the sun is shining brightly, illuminating the signal posts and pylons.

But before long, another dark cloud rushed in from the north-west, bringing more snow; large, wet flakes covering my coat. A mere 1,200 paces from home, I am worrying about the snow building up around my camera.

I spin round to catch the southbound Żeromski InterCity express as it rushes through towards Chynów station on its way to Kraków from Olsztyn via Warsaw.

I am cold, wet, hungry, tired – but not miserable; the lane home and 600 paces left.

Home again. Kettle on, feed the kitten, upload photos.

It would turn out to be an eventful night, but that's for the next post...

This time six years ago:
Justify the buy – Nikkor 10-20mm zoom lens

This time 12 years ago:
The Big Melt

This time 15 years ago:
Waiting for the meltdown

This time 17 years ago:
Warsaw's inadequate airport

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