Reader KG sent me some links regarding the development of the site south of the Rampa.
This link (thanks KG!) is particularly useful, showing precise plans for the development of Gmina Lesznowola, just south of Warsaw. I've cut out the part (
below) that focuses on Mysiadło, which is closest to Jeziorki.

The red-brown blocks are "predominantly for intensive housing developments" (flats). Red blocks are "predominantly for mixed services/industrial development" (shops etc). Red squares are shops/services. Light brown blocks are "predominantly extensive housing developments (houses). Because the Rampa is in Warsaw rather than Lesznowola, we cannot see what its intended new use will be. A new road, ul. Kuropatwy ("Partridge St"), will run directly along the border of Lesznowola and Warsaw. Today, Kuropatwy runs as far west as ul. Puławska, and is one of many streets named after birds that are found on the other side of the main drag. On our side of the road, we have musical-themed street names - from Poleczki ("Polka St") to the north to Katarynki ("Barrel Organ St") to the south. The planned Kuropatwy extention, lined with shops on its south side, needs a different name! (Ul. Jazzowa, anyone?)
Note - a new railway station is planned for Mysiadło (another for Stara Iwiczna just south of this excerpt). Concentric circles show us to be 10 mins walk from Jeziorki station (correct). Because this map focuses exclusively on Lesznowola, it does not show the airport limited-development zone.
Note too the heavy black line running north to south across the left side of the map. This is 'Trasa N-S', Variant II of the planned motorway south from Warsaw (
below). This is Puławska bis, and as you can see, it runs west of the railway line. The map is tipped over by 90 degrees (north is to the left, east at the top).

Variant I (the cheap and easy option) is an extension of the existing al. Krakowskie beyond Magdalenka; it would not solve the problem of overcrowding on ul. Puławska, and would create extra traffic problems at Janki. Variant II would bring a major trans-European motorway to within less than a mile of our house.
Full details of Trasa N-S options here. Note the major motorway interchange towards the left (north) side of the picture. This is where the proposed S7, linking the Baltic to the Balkans, crosses the A2, which, when completed, will link Germany to Russia. So we'll be less than 3km from the crossroads of Europe.
As usual - very nice detail. Do you think we will see any of the roads completed in our lifetime?
Well do I remember the evening that my father returned home from a meeting at Ealing Town Hall concerning the redevelopment of the Uxbridge Road and the North Circular as it cut across Ealing Common. A new main road, parallel to Uxbridge Road was to be built, a new bridge built over the railway line at Hangar Lane, while a tunnel would burrow under Ealing Common taking three lanes of traffic in each direction.
This, was over 40 years ago. In the meanwhile, many houses between Ealing Common and West Ealing were unsellable because of planning blight.
These are but plans. The market will determine whether or not developers take up the municipality's offer to build flats, houses and shops in Mysiadło.
Developed wisely it could be a nice area. Close to town, green field etc. They key is getting everyone to go from the Paralysis by Analysis phase to action which is a Polish blight.
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