Going for a walk this evening, I noticed that new roadsigns are sprouting up in the wake of the recent paving of ul. Nawłocka and ul. Dumki. We're getting civilised. Unadopted roads are being Officially Named. Once they have Official Names, they will be shown on maps; new houses will spring up and Jeziorki will become just another part of Warsaw. Note: We are Jeziorki Południowe (Jeziorki Pd.) - Jeziorki South. As opposed to that riff-raff from Jeziorki North :-) How long before we get to UK-style post-code lotteries? ("My child's posher than yours, because he goes to school in W5 rather than W13")
Below: The curious stump of ul. Achillesa, which bisects ul. Nawłocka. One leg of Nawłocka stretches between this junction and ul. Karczunkowska, while the other starts at the far end of ul ul. Achillesa (90 metres away from this point) and connects with ul. Trombity. Street-naming confusion is relatively common in Warsaw, as the city hall tries to put some semblance of order of what grew up almost spontaneously in the less well organised past. Even Google Earth is confused (showing a non-existing spur from ul. Achillesa to Karczunkowska at 52° 6'36.39"N, 20°59'51.41"E ).
1 comment:
Street signs are a marker in the step toward a 'western' social fabric.
I hope you have better success than we have with keeping the signs standing and not defaced by drunks and local riff raff. It is very disappointing.
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