Another Monday driving into work. My, the traffic's worse than ever. This usually means a crash. And yes, here's one on the corner of
Sobieskiego and
Above and
below: Two taxis collided at the junction of
Żwirki i
Wigury and 17
Stycznia. From the wreckage it looked like more cars were involved. I wonder how many people rushing to the airport (down the one and only artery available to passengers heading there from Warsaw) missed their flight; Żwirki i Wigury was jammed up solid.

When I worked in London, I cycled to work in Central London (nearly) every day for nine years, and I might have seen three motor accidents in all that time. In Warsaw, this is an everyday occurrence. This says it all about the quality of Warsaw's roads and drivers.
My wife's had enough and has started driving to the nearest Metro station, leaving her car there, taking the Metro into town and walking to her office. It takes 20 minutes longer each way, but she says its less stressful and the walk does her good.
This time last year:
Communting down Warsaw's unpaved roads leads to this.In praise of the silver birch
I'm so glad I stumbled upon your blog! I just got back from my first trip to Poland (Ostroda--from the U.S.). I fell in love with this country and to people there. I didn't want to leave, and nearly cried when my plane touched down back in Chicago. Reading about your daily life in Warsaw took me back; if only for a while. I'll be back to visit from time to time.
Robin's comment is very warm! I hope I may, some day, feel the way she feels about a trip to Poland.
And I think, Michael, that your wife's decision is a very good one.
All the best.
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