Over the summer, my mother-in-law gave me a history of Warsaw published in 1974 (
Historia Warszawy, M.M. Dozdowski, A Zahorski), which contained this fascinating map of Warsaw and surrounding areas as it would have looked in the 16th Century.
Below is a section of the map, focused on Jeziorki. Click to enlarge either map.

This suggests that Jeziorki has been around since the 15th Century, the property of a nobleman (rather than of the church or of royalty). Looking around; Dąbrówka dates back to the 15th Century, Podolszyn was called Podolszynie-Dukaty, Łady (pron. 'Wuddy') was Łady-Gramnice, Gramnice itself would have been where that chicken farm is on the road between Łady and Dawidy; Dawidy would have been within the Las Kabacki forest, Grabów would have been called Jemielinek and Jaworowa - Jaworowo; Falenty was once Falęta. The whole area was ill-served with inns (
karczmy) or mills (
młyny). The fishponds around Raszyn and Rybie were once extensive marshes. The nearest churches were at Służewo (the predecessor of the Dominican Abbey, Służew, where Moni sings) and Raszyniec (today's Raszyn).
This time last year:
Rotten weatherRorate in caeli de super nubes pluant justum...
Thank You Michael for this historical post-one of my favourite.
Jemielinek is the old name of the today’s Imielin, the old village by the waterside of Imielinskie Lake (Stary Imielin on the MSI). Some old houses and shrines are still standing in the Bekasow Street.
Sluzewo is the oldest parish inside today’s city limits founded in 1238, like a St. Catherine’s Church near Dolina Sluzewiecka.
Dominicans arrived in Służew in the thirties of the last century.
Michael. You wrote, that the whole area was ill-served with inns, mills…but also with smithies. If You have some time, during journey home, go there:
52° 10'27.27"N, 21°02'46.45"E
You can see very, very interesting reconstructed Mazovian smithy, from turn of the century-LAST in our area! You won’t be defeated!
Photo for encouragement:
Hi KG - thanks for your comment! Of course, Jemielinek has evolved into Imielin. The smithy I must visit one day - it is on my way home from work.
And churches in Służew:
I should not mistake this one:
for this one:
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