Staying three days at my brother's family in Derbyshire, we were blessed with perfect weather on Boxing Day. Ideal to walk off the gastronomic excesses of Yuletide. As I've mentioned, Derbyshire has some of England's most beautiful countryside, something that's missing in Mazowsze. The rural aesthetic there is quite different, more stark.
Above: A well maintained hedgerow, undulating landscape and rationally sized fields. The low winter sun casts long shadows, even at midday.

Part of our walk took us across the Ecclesbourne Valley Railway, which leads from Duffield to Wirksworth. I hope that before too long this line will run again, both for rail freight (from the quarries at Wirskworth) and for tourism.
Right: A mile marker along the single-track like, indicating that we are 133 and three-quarter miles from London St Pancras.
This time last year:
Same place, different weather
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