According to the weather forecasters, we're in for several hours of heavy rain from tomorrow night into Saturday, coupled with temperatures as high as +3C. Disaster looms! Above: Just look at all the heaps of snow in front of W-wa Powi艣le station. Where will it all go?
Above: This is what was happening today; no rain, warm sun, just above zero. A foretaste of what's to come; when the metre-and-half heaps of icy snow on the side of the roads start to get washed down by the rain.
Below: A storm drain in 艁azienki park, about to be overwhelmed.
Below: the last sight of fresh, crisp, white snow under a blue sky this winter?
At the moment my online termometer (PP) shows +3C, around midday it was unearthly hot, at least it seemed after weeks of low temperatures, in the afternoon water was trickling or rather pouring from roofs in Warsaw, many pavements are out of use due to danger of falling chunks of snow and icicles.
Trampled slush turns into peddles. The thaw should continue for next few days, hopefully it will be mild enough not to cause a flood.
Hip boots are at the ready - it is going to be quite ugly if we get the rain and a fast warm=up. Hopefully we will slowly transition to warmer weather.
The worst part is now particularly in the centrum, the 'dog laid land mines' will begin to surface as each successive layer of snow disappears. Many of us will say, 'why don't they do something about this? as we have said each year but nothing gets done.
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