A challenge for my readers: 1) Post me links to photos of winters in Warsaw between 1997/98 and today that feature more snow than in these pics, and 2) see if you can identify the cars covered by snow...
Above: Outside my office on ul. Fabryczna. Any more snow and these vehicles will disappear into the snowdrift.
Above: ul. Koźmińska. Clue for car spotters - it's an American station wagon in the foreground.
Below: ul. Przemysłowa: a phalanx of cars slowly turning into a part of the urban landscape.

Warsaw's getting tired of the snow - not me! I dig the aesthetics of this wintery phenomenon. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! (despite my train home taking 1 hour and 45 minutes, a remarkable feat for a 33-minute journey).
From my perspective - this has thus far been the best winter we have seen. Terrific light clean snow like sugar crystals, no melt for 45 days just beautiful.
By the way, as I understand it all of those cars are yours - a Porsche, a Warszawa of course in mint condition, an American station wagon - looks like an old Rambler to me - robin's egg blue and of course a Lada
I concede that there are some beautiful sights to see (especially the spectacularly lethal icicles around Wwa now...).
But, I wish I could share your enthusiasm for the snow Michael. As a pedestrian I'm sick of the slush and as an occasional driver I'm tired of the problems parking.
I thought we had a lot of snow, until I saw these photos
Anon - the cars are (top, right) my 1962 Ford Taunus 17M and a Australian Holden Didgereedoo; (middle) a Mercury Roccoco Bubblewrap (1990 model year)and below, from left, a Russian ZUM 31-20451, a Ukrainian VAV 1500, a Volvo XC99 and a licence-built Maruti Howdah deluxe.
Andrew - it's nicer in the suburbs.
Bartek - fabulous photos - best I've seen. Puts our tribulations into perspective :-)
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