On a day as beautiful as today, it makes sense to leave home a few minutes earlier than usual and walk the longer, prettier way to the station.
Above: Across the road from our house. Views that spark atavistic resurgence, a return to the
once-was which my consciousness merges with my own memory as part of my sense of self. Looking at both the left part, with the telegraph poles rising a slight, snowy slope, and the right part, the trees, beneath them snow-covered roofs, trigger that old feeling of anomalous familiarity. This is not Hanwell, London W7, yet I feel this scene is familiar as my own childhood.
Above: The field next door to our house. Animal tracks (probably cat) leading to an abandoned barn. In early August, this field will sport a waist-high crop of oats.

Two views down ul. Nawłocka -
above: from ul. Trombity, under the snows, a field usually used for growing potatoes. Let's hope this year's harvest is better than last year's.
Below: nearer ul. Achillesa. The track through the snow is too narrow for a car to pass a pedestrian.

Below: On the platform, W-wa Jeziorki station. Note the snow on the centre of the platform neither cleared nor trampled, nor drifted by the wind; it is over a foot (30cm) deep. Now imagine that over the entire city - and then imagine what would happen if that were all to melt during the course of a few warm and rainy days.
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