There's not much reason to photograph drab, featureless buildings, especially those as functionally alien to my thinking as city-centre car parks; trawling through my photo archives, indeed, I have no photographs of this place (on ul. Parkingowa - yes, 'Parking Street'). So here, courtesy of Google Street View, the 'before' picture. Brutalism at its purest.
Below: how it looks after an artist has given it a lick of paint - no longer does it look like a 'U'-boat pen or section from
Festung Europa's Atlantic wall. View from the corner of ul. Nowogrodzka and Parkingowa.
Below: view from Parkingowa. Very jolly. Bravo all round to the artist with the colourful vision and the city authorities for agreeing to the implementation.

This time last year:
To Hel and back in 36 hoursThis time two years ago:
Poles, stretch your facial musclesThis time three years ago:
Honing the Art of the Written WordThis time four years ago:
Of castles, dams and brass bands
The artist's name is Swanski,
he is very famous among those who admire street art. He has also done a nice mural on ulica Kasprowicza 59
in collaboration with another street art painter called Flying Fortress
additionally, he owns a street fashion label and shop, Turbokolor:
Here are many interesting street art entries:
Best regards,
It looks great! A dab of paint in a grey city is always a good idea! I have something similar in my town as well and it makes passing by very enjoyable.
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