And given the current financial climate, I wonder whether the developers have the cashflow to put up hundreds of new houses here to housebuyers struggling to get their homeloans approved. Or, having spent big money levelling the rampa with the ground, will the developers be left with a large building site and no money to put anything up on it?
We shall see.

Below: preparing the ground for new construction. This is where the sidings once ran.

This time last year:
Inbound to land, through fog and night
Homeward commute with deszcz ze śniegiem
Thoughts on Dad Rock, genre that will not go away
Christmas, Christ's Mass, Xmas or Yule?
Recycling for fun and profit
Well, this is obviously a different perspective, but there is one thing that should be taken into consideration.
Michael thinks about industrial and ecological aspects of the Rampa existence, reflecting a rail transportantion. Good form him. But, as this is only to imagine as how many tons of dust was produced year after year during almost of a half century, how much uncounted heavy gravel trucks have passed thru and alike "pleasant" things, then this is obvious that this ficility was becoming more and more strenous. Can you imagine the unit like this at a subarban area of London? Frankly saying, I can't.
The problem is, as what an idea on this land is, and if this is a developmental area, then how a transportation problem will be resolved. There's (and, if it is not physically, then there will be some links for that) at Mike's blog a draft municipal concept on a whole restructuring of the Lesznowola area with roads, interceptions and alike. But, this is a beginning, let's observe this and later conclude a whole development.
Marcin - worth taking a look at this article:
this is not as such. I know these problems very well, as more than less they touch me (and no important as to a what extent directly). But, as you might understand there is a slight difference between being a habitant of the Trombity Street and nearby the Karczunkowska Street. A difference is, that the Rampa has produced a huge amount of dusty clouds, that sqeezed into this settlement and Nowa Iwiczna alike. And the trees barrier wasn't sufficient to stop that. It is a first aspect of a problem. A second is, that constantly, day-after-day, there has been a transportation like this:
http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grafika:Kamaz_5511.jpg fully loaded with a sand, gravel on so on. I hane an aunt at South-West London and I ask her, if this kind of transportation might be acceptable by that community.
The only one thing, that would be reasonable is to use of a railway, and establishing of combined transportation terminal like this:
But, are you absolutely sure, that this kind of facility is strictly proper for a rural environment?
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