Much roadbuilding activity is going on across the tracks from Jeziorki. Ul. Gogolińska has been tarmacked (at least at the Karczunkowska end, by the station).
Below: Gogolińska, W-wa Jeziorki station beyond,
ersatz Park and Ride by the side of the road. The remains of the dismantled
rampa na kruszywa is just visible across the tracks.

The new asphalt currently reachs a mere half-mile (750m) from the main road.
Below: Where the asphalt ends. This would be the southern border of Warsaw. A long way off in the distance (foreshortened by the zoom lens) is the new estate across the tracks from Mysiadło. If the asphalt is to get extended there and beyond to Nowa Iwiczna, then it will bring several more hundred cars down Karczunkowska every morning, forming an alternative route into Warsaw for those car commuters, hemmed in by ul. Puławska's notorious jams.

The tarmacking of ul. Gogolińska has been greeted by the appearance of new-style blue-and-red street names, according to the norms of the
MSI system.

What else is new? The almost-complete Polne Maki housing estate in Dawidy Bankowe has been linked to the main road running through the village by brand new asphalt. Beyond, the road from Łady (pron. "Wuddy") to Falenty has been re-surfaced (this time last year it was unspeakably awful).

Most interestingly, work seems to have begun on the S7 (Puławska Bis), with the road linking Zgorzała with Zamienie and Dawidy Bankowe being re-laid.
Above: Looking west from Zgorzała towards Zamienie. Traffic had been held up at this red light for over 20 minutes.
Above: Looking east from Zamienie towards Zgorzała. Between the points where the two photos were taken is where the S7 will end up - the road linking Gdansk and Warsaw to the south. This will no doubt take several years, but at least a start is being made.
This time last year:
First snow
Work starts on new road to Okęcie
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