Above: The scene just after sunrise on ul. Poloneza, between ul. Ludwinowska and the metro link spur. This is Jeziorki Północne. The road is as passable as it gets - packed snow has filled the biggest potholes and a hard frost keeps the whole thing together. No mud, no dust. As long as you have winter tyres, you'll make it OK. The convoy of vehicles puts me in mind of the ice road across Lake Ladoga that kept supplies running into Leningrad during its WW2 siege.
Below: Towards the top end of ul. Poloneza, as it runs through Grabów, just before it reaches Platan Park and ul. Poleczki. The weather is still great - today we had a daytime high of -8C, clear blue skies and plenty of fresh snow all around.

This time last year:
Warsaw well prepared for winter Spring comes early to Poland?Another visit to Kraków
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