Below: evening, Kensington Church Street; almost every shop along this street, from Notting Hill Gate to the north to High Street Kensington to the south sells antiques or fine art.

Poland, Warsaw, Mazovia. Spirit of place, development,
human spirituality; consciousness.
Why not put the clocks forward next weekend (the last one of February), rather than wait until the end of March? We'd be getting an extra hour of daylight in the evening, making us all feel that spring is just around the corner. Apart from the psychological benefit, it would also save money and reduce carbon dioxide emissions as we'd be switching the lights on an hour later.
What about the mornings? Well, the sun would rise at 07:40 rather than at 06:40, which is the case in late October just before the clocks go back. Not a problem. More on the subject of energy-saving time here.
My own body clock is adjusting to the changing length of day; I'm waking up earlier and going to sleep earlier.
The above pictures were taken in our garden after a day of sunshine, a night of frost and a preceding night of rain. The snows are slowly melting, but there's a brittle crust of ice, almost thick enough to stand on, on top of the snow cover. It's still deep enough to go over the top of my snow boots. In the drifts, the snow is almost knee-deep.
Once more, I've quit alcohol, caffeine, meat, dairy products, salt, salt snacks, fast food, confectionary, chocolate and cake for 46 days and shall rejoin humanity on Easter Sunday. Time for exercising the Will, focusing on Things Spiritual, ridding my body of toxins, and forcing myself to be more creative. I start Lent with 39 inches (99cm) round my waist and an aim to cut that by two inches (5cm). The good thing is that a year ago, before Lent, I was 40.5 inches in girth, so progress is clearly there. Follow me on my journey.
*Acknowledgements to Hank Thompson
“I know you heard of the Chatanooga choo-choo,
The Rock Island, the New York Central,
The New Haven and Hartford, the Pennsylvania,
The Missouri Pacific, the Southern Pacific,
The Northern Pacific is terrific, ah, but Jack,
You’ve heard of the IC and the Santa Fe,
But you got to take a ride on the TP”