The diggers are at it again, the road's closed (
below), so tomorrow morning the motorised commuter community rat-running down ul. Trombity will find their way into work blocked.

What's going on now I'm not sure; we're not due to get town drains for (another) two years; blue pipes I take it mean fresh water. Digging is also underway on ul. Nawłocka. The recently-laid paving stones (
kostka brukowa) has been carefully lifted and neatly stacked on pallets.

Ul. Sarabandy is also closed off, so there's now no back way for drivers coming in to town from Magdalenka, Lesznowola or Nowa Iwiczna. Hundreds more cars will now be added to the traffic jam on ul. Puławska. Just as the school year is about to start.
The worst part of it is that there's no viable public transport alternative. There are no trains to Warsaw between 8:10 and 9:22. Unbelievable. The bicycle continues to be the best option.
It would be nice if the concept of project management and coordination between works departments were in place! Like you show - stones had been laid now picked up for some type of process that should have been done before the first 'laydown' - double cost and annoyance to residents.
It's not too bad. I mean, the last time Trombity was dug up was nine months ago (I'd guess that this work is merely a continuation of what was going on last November). In the case of Nawłocka, I was delighted to see that the paving stones laid in 2008 are to be re-used and not just carted away.
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