Tuesday, 6 September 2022

Trees; nothing but trees, sunshine and shadows.

Such glorious weather makes the soul rejoice! Another nearly cloudless day, strong sunshine, though top temperatures well off their mid-summer high, with 22C still allowing for a jacket-free stroll in the early evening.

The light is strong, the sun and already low in the sky even though it's not yet 6pm. Below: the edge of the forest, looking towards the orchards of Jakubowizna.

Below: the reverse view to the one above - looking at the forest from the orchards. One of the XII Canonical Prospects of Jakubowizna, which we saw also in yesterday's post. Note the small pear tree between the two silver birches to the right.

Below: on the edge of a small birch grove, one I'd never been in this one before - wedged as it is between three orchards. A path went in about half way, then petered out; the undergrowth became too dense to continue. Note how heathland - low vegetation, acidic soil - suddenly gives way to birch trees, with a clearly defined boundary between the two.

Below: one for quiet contemplation; trees as conscious organisms, though not sentient, may well be acutely aware of their own existence, and feeling joy in sunshine. Go out and hug your nearest tree, and apologise to it for Mankind's brutally stupid attitude to Nature.

I woke up this morning to find there's no electricity on the działka. I went out into the street to discover what was going on - my neighbour said their house had no power either; down the end of the street - lack of power there too. So, resigned to a beautiful morning without electricity, I returned home, and took a photo of the wood next door (below), the sun still rising between the trees.

Looking in through the kitchen window, I could still not see any sign of life on the oven clock - then suddenly PAFF! it began flashing red 00:00. All was well. Another preternaturally glorious day on the działka and district.

Below: into the darkest, deepest forest, as the early evening sun descends below the treeline.

Below: rays streaming across the moss-covered floor of a clearing.

There's more than a tinge of regret at the passing of summer - tomorrow's the last day of perfect weather - clouds will gather on Thursday, rain's expected Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I just hope for some more sunny spells before the Hammer of Darkness comes crashing down. Below: maple bush in my back garden, visibly turning redder by the day. Mono no aware, as the Japanese say.

This time last year:

This time two years ago:

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