Powiśle station, on the west bank of the Vistula is still flooded, and the City transport authorities and the general contractor work out what to do. In the meanwhile, work on the western end of the Metro is continuing. Here is the corner of ul. Świętokrzyska, formerly a busy east-west thoroughfare, closed to traffic for some while now, and ul, Mazowiecka.
Left: looking across ul. Świętokrzyska ('Holy Cross Street') from Pl. Powstańców Warszawy. This will be the eastern entrance of the Świętokrzyska station, the interchange between the north-south Line One and the east-west Line Two. Though how far east Line Two will get is still a big question mark.
Word is that the the builders will not be able to tunnel through the quicksand that lies under both banks of the Vistula. Will there be an alternative - taking the Metro over the river via a bridge?

But in the meanwhile, work continues. Below: looking westward along ul. Świętokrzyska towards Wola, where one day the second line will terminate. But what of the river crossing?

Worth taking a peek on the forum on
SkyscraperCity.com to find out.
a propos of yesterday's blog post about work on the 'Elka',
Gazeta Stołeczna today quotes the highway authority as saying the road will be ready in mid-January (some chance!)
This time two years ago:
Let no one send us to Kielce!
This time three years ago:
World's largest helicopter over Jeziorki
Hi Michael - they will dither about this for months and months. They should simply take the bridge route and get on with it.
Or maybe they should keep digging west and go to Berlin:)
There should be a way through water bearing ground. The Victoria Line was built beneath the Lea river using ground freezing techniques. It's also possible to pressurise the tunnel boring machine. One hopes that proper ground investigation took place in advance.
"One hopes that proper ground investigation took place in advance".
Obviously not
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