I took a bet on the snows not returning, though in past years that I can remember in Warsaw we had snow falls at the end of March, indeed, even as late as 13 April. I took the Micra (dear little car, it will be 17 in May) for a car wash, to rid it of all the salts and rubbish on the bodywork. A change of tyres is due too, putting the summer ones on and storing the winter ones until November.

I swept the salt and grit that had accumulated from the snow brought into our garage by the car. There was at least a kilo of grey dirty dust. Next will be the bikes, I fancy getting my racing bike in order this year, a Holdsworth Tri-Ath Elan. New tyres are needed. My fixed wheel bike needs a new rear hub, my fold-up Brompton needs a chain-tensioner arm. Two bikes are in good working order, the excellent Cannondale Caffeine and my 531-framed commuter bike with hub brakes and gears. The call of bicycle grows louder and louder as spring approaches.
A beautiful onset of spring, mostly the temperature is as it should be for me all your round.
Down in NI I washed the car on my backyard. After four months the layer of salt, mud and grit was relatively thick but didn't resist to be washed away.
And I dusted off my bike, checked the brakes, lubricated the chain and cycled two kilomtres. As I measured, in roughly teh same leisurely pace I could get by bike to Metro Ursynów within 35 - 40 minutes. Nice alternative a to the 709 service.
*all year round
*the same leisurely pace
*alternative to
(not) a funny spellcheck
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