Eddie and I both raced down to the roadway to catch it pass by. What a magnificent piece of machinery! Cherished, pampered, driven only on sunny days - this should be the fate of mankind's automotive heritage.
Poland, Warsaw, Mazovia. Spirit of place, development,
human spirituality; consciousness.
the ultimate urban cruising machine - wondrous, gleaming and filmic. All it needs is the San francisco sun on its brooding elegant shell. Remember the really pimped-up one in Magnum Force!?
Frater YesOfficer-thisismycar!
If only it ran on biodiesel and could do 75 miles to the gallon when stuck in traffic...
Hey, I saw you running down the platform to do this photo. But it was worth it. It's a pleasure to see cars like this one on the streets, especially in a good condition.
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