A very happy New Year to all regular Jeziorki blogspot readers, wherever you may be - Massachusetts, Florida, Buckinghamshire, Middlesex, Rheinland Palatinate, London, Kraków, Wrocław or - most numerously - in Warsaw.

2008 was ushered in by a veritable aerial bombardment of fireworks that maintained full-on intensity for over a quarter of an hour. We were surrounded by spectacular bursts, the best of which came from across the way. A light snowfall earlier in the evening added winter charm to the scene. As with the outdoor Xmas lights, New Year's fireworks are historically a bit of a novelty in Poland, but one that's caught on with amazing speed to become a nearly ubiquitous tradition. In terms of tonnes of gunpowder put up into the night sky, this certainly beats Guy Fawke's night.
Thank you, and happy New Year to you, too! There also were lots of fireworks where my friend and I were, and it was nice to watch, even if the powder smell lingered for a long while.
May all your wishes for 2008 come true!!!
I'm sure this whole New-Year-fireworks thing began with the 2000 celebrations. I don't remember seeing fireworks on New Year's Eve anywhere (here or UK) before that.
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