The 07:27 from W-wa Jeziorki into town didn't arrive. Neither did the 07:52. The 08:12 came on time, and when it did, it was carrying the equivalent of three train-loads of rush-hour commuters.
Below: Passengers cluster around the level-crossing keeper's hut in the hope of learning when their train would come.
Below: Room for another 20 inside? Fortunately, passengers showed plentiful reserves of social harmony, helping one another in, and putting up stoically with the crowded conditions. I met fellow blogger and near neighbour (
Student SGH of Politics, Economy, Society blog fame); at the station. we both regretted not taking Puławska into town today.

Only as the train approach W-wa Centralna did I realise the scale of the chaos on Polish railways today. There were four trains backed up from Centralna (headed by one bound for Berlin with a broken-down locomotive) going nowhere. And on arriving at W-wa Śródmieście, I boarded this train (left) to take me the one stop to W-wa Powiśle. It soon became apparent it was going nowhere, already having been standing here for 90 minutes. The indicator board said
Opóżniony na czas nieograniczony (delayed for an unlimited time).
And so I walked from Śródmieście to my first meeting of the day, arriving over an hour late. My journey from home had taken two hours and ten minutes; one of the people I was meant to be seeing had a two-and-half hour journey in, including a 7km walk.
I am officially reproaching you over repeteadly twisting the name of my blog. It goes: "Politics, Economy, Society", no -ics, no ands to be thrown in between :-)
It was actually a silly idea to take the train, but the wait and the journey were nice, despite all tribulations.
The chaos on the tracks was appaling today. After all we had much more luck than those poor passengers of Berlin-bound trains stuck in the vicinity of W-wa Zachodnia. My return home by bus was no longer than usual and to my surprise most pavements in Warsaw were clear of snow in the early afternoon. Today Warsaw didn't succumb to winter.
Your blog title duly changed (and in blogmeet post too).
Appalling :-)
Pardon this appalling manifestation of ingorance (or just inattention) :), I'm almost falling flat on my face.
I promise to mend my ways.
word verification: binge
Michael - time to take a kulig to the city. Given this weather we should have another 'Scotch Night' or some facsimile!
Scotch night a wonderful idea Bob!
The walk to your place through the wintery Las Kabacki would do me good.
If you don't mind me tagging along I would also enjoy the chance of a natter - also have plenty of scotch left to bring along - name a day :)
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