Winding down now; the last days of summer, 2011. It'll all be over in a week's time, another summer's sun extinguished; and while we wait for a new one, through a long, dark winter, we all know that it's one less we have left to enjoy.
The Boethian Wheel turns and turns, inexorably; our fortunes rise and fall to rise again before declining. But we are Modern People; we know how to Manage. Manage pain and suffering, manage the goods times and bad. Should we attempt to make our wheels of fortune smaller? Should we try to slow them down? Or should we learn from their remorseless revolutions - each one a small lesson learnt for the next time...?
Above: just before sunrise - six minutes past six this morning, from the balcony. Next week, equinox; sunset and sunrise around quarter past six in the evening and morning respectively.
Above: fallow field, ul. Dumki. The noon-day sun catching the late-flowering weeds. Still warm enough for one layer. Soon, we'll be wrapping up warm - and staying that way until spring 2012.

Mellow tones on the
działeczka, ul. Kórnicka, Jeziorki, late morning. Time to reflect, and from the gathering melancholia, draw wisdom.
This time last year:
Commuting made easyThis time two years ago:
Work starts on the Warsaw Southern BypassThis time three years ago:
Today's smashesThis time four years ago:
Nissan meets its nemesis - ul. Poloneza
Time draws on ....reflection and reverie are the fires that shall warm our hands and illuminate our faces and our minds.
Frater Arboreal
Did you notice that all of the previous entries on this day were road and travel related? Coincidence?!
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