Sunday 17 March 2024

Time and Spirituality Pt III: Lent 2024, Day 33

In his book Real Magic, Dean Radin talks about the three forms of magic; clairvoyance (perceiving through space and time); force of will (impressing your will onto the world) and theurgy (communicating with spirits). In each form, one's consciousness has to reach out across time to make its mark.

My take: clairvoyance – be it remote viewing (across space) or precognition (across time) – is a real phenomenon. I'm prepared to accept its existence, though I believe that it occurs naturally in only the tiniest number of gifted people, and to a limited extent, though it's a talent that can be developed by exercise. Force of will – prayer, if you like – can work though only if it aligns with an overall Cosmic Purpose rather than with one's ego. Theurgy – I'm not sure on this one; my experience suggests that departed loved ones do visit you in dreams, which may hold significance if you listen.

I see, however, another form of magic (magic being physical effects without physical cause). This is one that's important in my daily life – the forestalling or preclusion of mishaps by being consciously aware of their possibility. (See this post for more details.) This is willing yourself good fortune, or willing yourself the avoidance of misfortune. 

Again, this means delving into the future, affecting future outcomes. Not wanting to fall ill, not wanting an accident, not wanting to lose your wallet, keys or phone, not becoming a victim of crime, not having something break down (means of transportation, for example); these are goals that can be achieved by conscious thought, reinforced by projection of your consciousness into the future. I do this by offering a silent prayer as I leave the house. And importantly, this is backed up by a prayer of gratitude for stuff not going wrong as I return home.

Even if all that such habits do is reinforce your careful and diligent behaviour, then they work. But I would posit that they work above and beyond the physical cause-and-physical effect level (I return home safe and sound, nothing's gone awry, nothing missing or broken, because I have taken conscious care to ensure that happens). They work because I have willed away misfortune.

The opposite is complacency; the notion that because it all worked out well yesterday and today, it will all work out well tomorrow. Complacency breeds unexpected mishaps – your consciousness was not scanning the horizon. Consciousness needs to be alert.

There are things people badly want in life; health, a decent job, a partner, children; subconscious desires which align with the unfolding universe. A bigger, newer, car doesn't. And when you want something badly enough, that want or need moves from the subconscious to the conscious. Would it spoil some vast, eternal plan if it were to come true? No? Does it align with the Cosmos? Yes? Then pluck it from the future, and it shall be.

Tomorrow: a short series of blog posts about life after death.

Lent 2023, Day 33
Into the Afterlife (Pt I) 

Lent 2022: Day 33
The Search for Understanding

Lent 2021: Day 33
Connecting with the Metaphysical

Lent 2020: Day 33
"On my planet there is no disease"

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